



Pentagon, stumped by extremism in ranks, orders stand-down in next 60 days
February 4, 20217:14 AM

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. military on Wednesday acknowledged it was unsure about how to address white nationalism and other extremism in its ranks, and announced plans for military-wide stand-downs pausing regular activity at some point in the next 60 days to tackle the issue.

The decision to a hold a stand-down was made by Lloyd Austin, who made history by becoming the military’s first Black defense secretary after a long career rising in the ranks of the Army. In his confirmation hearing, Austin underscored the need to rid the military of “racists and extremists”.

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said Austin ordered the stand-down after a meeting with the U.S. military branch leaders, who are under pressure to show progress in combating extremism after current and former military service members were found to have participated in the siege of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.





このオースティン国防長官の話はトランプニュースワールドから回ってきた。Stand-downは解雇の誤訳ではないかとの指摘もあったが、黒井としては最もしっくり来るのが”撤退”だったことからおおむね合っているものと思われる。ロイターの記事の英語原文には“pausing regular activity”という記述も存在している。


